Nick Pestritto
Big winner in life. Big loser when it comes to weight.
Down 23 pounds and counting
Nick and his wife Melissa came into our Boot Camp a few months back on a co-workers recommendation. As part of the Body Composition Challenge I offered, Nick dropped a remarkable 23 pounds in less than two months! With some hard work, he committed to a routine, and saw results. Both he and Melissa are continuing with class and hope to continue the results and feeling like a million bucks.
How long have you been coming to class and what’s the one thing about Boot Camp that keeps you coming back?
I’m definitely a Boot Camp “newbie”. I’ve only been coming since May 1st, but have really enjoyed myself. I like the structure of someone telling me specifically what to do, when to do it and for how long to do it for. Motivation is key and having someone tell me what to do motivates me. Once you start seeing the results in the mirror and feeling better and more fit will be the encouragement you need to keep going back.
You had great success with the Body Composition Challenge, besides classes, what other changes did you make?
My biggest problem is I’m a food addict. I love to eat and I have a hard time stopping. I also eat if I get bored. I had to set limits for myself, establish portion control and stop my bad habits of eating or snacking when I shouldn’t.
Why Jeff’s Boot Camp instead of going to the gym or another group class? (Maybe emphasize the group, enjoying people or the workouts?)
I’ve belonged to many gyms over the years. They’re great, but if you’re not feeling it or your head is not in the game, your workout is not going to be optimal. The group dynamic with you leading was great. Everyone exercising and working toward the same goal of getting fit was motivating.
What would you say to someone who is considering joining the class but is nervous or unsure about joining?
To someone on the fence about joining up, let me be your inspiration. I was overweight and out of shape. I knew I needed to lose weight but just couldn’t find the motivation I needed. It was definitely hard, and still is, but it will get easier and you will feel better both mentally and physically.
Any last words on working out, fitness, or just motivation in general?
Positive things happen to positive people. It may be hard, you may not always like it, but stick with it and the results will speak for themselves.