Wendy Wendt
Life-changing weight loss and strength
Fitter, More Flexible, and (soon-to-be) Faster!
Sometimes people ask me how I get up so early some mornings. Often, the answer is people like Wendy. If she’s waking up to work out (and trust me, she is), then I surely can’t let her down! Wendy rarely misses a MWF 5:30a Boot Camp, and also never misses her supplemental Semi-Private workout on Tuesday morning’s either. I like to think all my clients deserve results, and Wendy has earned hers for sure!
How long have you been working with Endurance Train?
I have been with Endurance Train for almost six years.
What tangible results have you seen since you started? Since I started, I have lost 25 lbs, and went down two sizes! More importantly though, I just feel better. I have so much more energy than before I started. I have also noticed that my range of motion has improved, I can actually do decent squats now. 😁 And the changes I see aren’t just in class, I can do so much more around the house as well as during trips etc.
Is there anything about the Fit40 class that you find separates it from others programs?
The Fit40 classes are different every time, but there are activities we do periodically that help me see improvement over time. The difference I appreciate in Fit40 over other classes I have tried, is that Jeff gives alternatives when certain exercises may be difficult for some people.
In addition to the Fit40 Class, you do the semi-private once a week, what is it about that program that drives you to continue with it?
I started semi-private sessions because I knew I needed more work in certain areas. These sessions have made a huge difference. Jeff adjusts the workout to help me improve the areas I feel I need to focus on, and it’s been rewarding to see the changes.
Any short-term (3 month) or long-term (one year) goals ahead of you?
I have never been a runner, but I would really like to start. My long term goal is to be a hands on, active grandparent when the time comes😊